Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

Upgrade Vista to Windows 7 (beta)

After trying Windows 7 in Virtual Box and and a fresh installation on its own partition a last I checked the upgrade option.

The first part the upgrading required reenlargement of my careful reduced partition with ca. 7 to 10 GB free space and deinstalling some (not Vista compatible) Citrix program. It took about 4 hours, but afterwards it is Ok. The fingerprint scanner running ( here the fresh install failed). It even needs less discspace than before the upgrade.

Restoring the partitions was rather easy, but setting up the dual boot took some trials.
I want the system partition in both systems to be called C:, I dare not clean up the registry.
Setting the second partition active and repairing with the Windows 7 Setup disk did the trick.

The result seems rather good. I have the known issue in PowerShell ISE concerning hot-key internationalization (that would be no problem for English installations).

I'm not going to compare it to XP which I use regularly in virtual environments, but I'm not going to try a dual boot.

I claim that my Lenovo notebook was not Vista ready when it was preinstalled with Vista . The current Windows 7 beta seems better than those Vista.

I just found some interesting link about downgrade to XP.

Next reboot to Vista at release of Windows 7 release candidate, only to upgrade it again.

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