Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Windows8 in VirtualBox 4.1.4

Meanwhile I'm using VirtuualBox 4.1.4
Rechecking the  Windows 8 preview:
Copy and Paste and Shared Folders are working.

Still no auto adjust of screen resolution, but you can set any size you want

Samstag, 24. September 2011

Windows 8 in VirtualBox

I spent some time trying the Windows 8 preview from here.

I 'm using portable VritualBox 4.1.2r73507.

I didn't get the guest additions to work.
  • Copy and past between guest and host does'nt work 
  • only some fixed screen resolutions work 
  • shared folders don't work
Don't waste your time trying to install the guest additions. Currently they do not work with Windows 8.

But I succeeded to install Skype from here. The Version from the official link didn't work. With Skype I'm able to copy files between guest and host.

Don't expect me to comment on the metro design. I'm just too old and my notebook has no touchscreen. I live sanely without apps. I write scripts and I use programs. I you want to reinvent computing work on speech recognition not on that kid's toys.

Nice to know about a way to use the old start menu, but why use it.

The only interesting part for me is the new version of PowerShell and there is a lot new in it.

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

Upgrade Vista to Windows 7 (beta)

After trying Windows 7 in Virtual Box and and a fresh installation on its own partition a last I checked the upgrade option.

The first part the upgrading required reenlargement of my careful reduced partition with ca. 7 to 10 GB free space and deinstalling some (not Vista compatible) Citrix program. It took about 4 hours, but afterwards it is Ok. The fingerprint scanner running ( here the fresh install failed). It even needs less discspace than before the upgrade.

Restoring the partitions was rather easy, but setting up the dual boot took some trials.
I want the system partition in both systems to be called C:, I dare not clean up the registry.
Setting the second partition active and repairing with the Windows 7 Setup disk did the trick.

The result seems rather good. I have the known issue in PowerShell ISE concerning hot-key internationalization (that would be no problem for English installations).

I'm not going to compare it to XP which I use regularly in virtual environments, but I'm not going to try a dual boot.

I claim that my Lenovo notebook was not Vista ready when it was preinstalled with Vista . The current Windows 7 beta seems better than those Vista.

I just found some interesting link about downgrade to XP.

Next reboot to Vista at release of Windows 7 release candidate, only to upgrade it again.

Samstag, 7. Februar 2009

Windows 7 in a Windows 7 virtual Box

You ask, what thats good for, where are the benfits?

Well you can use different local settings in the two machines or you set up on of the machines with a different beta downloads. I did the german and the english.

You do not believe that the different download behave differently ?
Just take a look at my PowerShell Blog.

In the beginning I had Windows 7 in a virtual Box on a Vista host, but having only 2GB RAM that is no fun. There are no resorces left to run something usefull.

Windows 7 in Windows 7 just runs fluently. It is better than XP.

I tried to use the same virtual Windows 7 drive from both hosts. It worked for some time, but after some changes it didn't start any more from Windows 7.

I restored a backup and now I start it only from Windows 7, when I need to see both of the different versions.

What I like most of Windows ? The short shutdown and reboot time.


Freitag, 6. Februar 2009

PMEBLib.dll missing

After lenovo update I get the following message:
The program can't start because PMEBLib.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

I have a Lenovo 3000 N200 notebook with the english download of the 32-bit Windows 7 Beta running with german country settings.

Fingerprint scanner AES 2501 A still not working.

Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

Windows 7 in virtual Box on Windows 7

Absolutly cool.

The host is the english download and the guest is the german. Both run with german country settings.

Conclusion: better try the englisch download, if you have the choice. The german download contains some funny bugs.

And I can still run some other real application at the same time. Remeber my notebook has only 2 GB RAM.

Back to PowerShell

I just spent last week defragmentating my Vista and changing the partion-scheme,.
One day later I had a dual boot system Vista (de-De) and Windows 7 (en-US).

Next step is copying my PowerShell profiles with some nice ISE-Extensions.

What happens ? I get an error messgae in the following line:
$null = $psIse.CustomMenu.Submenus.Add(
"Copy Output to Editor", {ISE-CopyOutPutToEditor}, 'Ctrl+O').

Hhm... Ctrl is allready used for Open file. Why didn't I get the error in my german Vista System. Reboot, start up ISE, open the filemenue and start laughing load:

New Strg + N
Open Strg + O


Close Ctrl + F4

New Power Shell Tab Ctrl + T.
You get no error defining a shurtcut-key Ctrl+O and your new shortcut will be invoked. By the way the new File Strg+N works as well. The Problem is that Strg+O and Ctrl+O are not recognized as the same key and no error is thrown.

Sorry I didn't succeed in taking a sreenshot of the opened Menue. Any hints how to do are wellcome.

Fakt is that german IT-translators are mad. Some fool decided that Steuerung is more german word than Kontrolle and afterwards all the german keyboards had a Strg-Key instaed of the Ctrl-Key. [Stupid Translated Regular Garbage]

The observation refers to the CTP3 Version (there is no german Version yet). Part of the Shortcuts are translated, but only a part.

And the next question goes to What have we to do, to provide i18n clean shortcuts?

Rebooting (to Windows 7)