Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

Back to PowerShell

I just spent last week defragmentating my Vista and changing the partion-scheme,.
One day later I had a dual boot system Vista (de-De) and Windows 7 (en-US).

Next step is copying my PowerShell profiles with some nice ISE-Extensions.

What happens ? I get an error messgae in the following line:
$null = $psIse.CustomMenu.Submenus.Add(
"Copy Output to Editor", {ISE-CopyOutPutToEditor}, 'Ctrl+O').

Hhm... Ctrl is allready used for Open file. Why didn't I get the error in my german Vista System. Reboot, start up ISE, open the filemenue and start laughing load:

New Strg + N
Open Strg + O


Close Ctrl + F4

New Power Shell Tab Ctrl + T.
You get no error defining a shurtcut-key Ctrl+O and your new shortcut will be invoked. By the way the new File Strg+N works as well. The Problem is that Strg+O and Ctrl+O are not recognized as the same key and no error is thrown.

Sorry I didn't succeed in taking a sreenshot of the opened Menue. Any hints how to do are wellcome.

Fakt is that german IT-translators are mad. Some fool decided that Steuerung is more german word than Kontrolle and afterwards all the german keyboards had a Strg-Key instaed of the Ctrl-Key. [Stupid Translated Regular Garbage]

The observation refers to the CTP3 Version (there is no german Version yet). Part of the Shortcuts are translated, but only a part.

And the next question goes to What have we to do, to provide i18n clean shortcuts?

Rebooting (to Windows 7)

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