Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Windows8 in VirtualBox 4.1.4

Meanwhile I'm using VirtuualBox 4.1.4
Rechecking the  Windows 8 preview:
Copy and Paste and Shared Folders are working.

Still no auto adjust of screen resolution, but you can set any size you want

Samstag, 24. September 2011

Windows 8 in VirtualBox

I spent some time trying the Windows 8 preview from here.

I 'm using portable VritualBox 4.1.2r73507.

I didn't get the guest additions to work.
  • Copy and past between guest and host does'nt work 
  • only some fixed screen resolutions work 
  • shared folders don't work
Don't waste your time trying to install the guest additions. Currently they do not work with Windows 8.

But I succeeded to install Skype from here. The Version from the official link didn't work. With Skype I'm able to copy files between guest and host.

Don't expect me to comment on the metro design. I'm just too old and my notebook has no touchscreen. I live sanely without apps. I write scripts and I use programs. I you want to reinvent computing work on speech recognition not on that kid's toys.

Nice to know about a way to use the old start menu, but why use it.

The only interesting part for me is the new version of PowerShell and there is a lot new in it.